Payroll Service



Professionals at Bristol Tax Service can help companies with their day-to-day administrative needs.

We can provide solutions for streamlining your accounting and book-keeping procedures, so you can get on with running your business while knowing that all the accounting and statutory needs are being taken care of.

We can provide the following services:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Preparation of budgets, management accounts and periodic financial analysis
  • Provision of temporary or part-time accounting assistance



Why deal with the risks of incorrect payroll calculations, lack of legal compliance, costly in-house payroll management systems and internal control issues when you can simply outsource the entire process to a company that specializes in nothing else?

Our payroll service is the ideal partner for local and international companies across a wide range of industries. We support your organization with the full range of scalable payroll and solutions. Whether it is managing the payroll of your entire staff force, or the confidential data of your directors and senior management, our dedicated in-house team is on hand to provide expert payroll and human resource consultation and support.


PT. Pratama Bisnis Adviosri Indonesia professional payroll processing and outsourcing services to small, medium and large companies. We will ensure that your raw payroll data is processed in accordance with the latest Indonesian regulations and will provide other assistance, such as tax advice and post payroll audits so that you can focus on your core business.

Our services in Indonesia include:

  • Monthly payroll computation
  • Monthly tax computation
  • Monthly tax report (SPT Masa 1721 and 1721-II)
  • Social security report (Jamsostek)
  • Fund transfer reports
  • Detailed payslips
  • Annual tax report (SPT 1721A1 and 1721-I)
  • Payment of salary, tax, and BPJS
  • Auditing of post payroll

Berikut ini beberapa output data yang bisa diterima oleh perusahaan:

  • Slip Gaji, dicetak menggunakan carbonized paper atau dikirim via Email
  • Data Detail Gaji Bulanan Per Pegawai
  • Laporan Detail Gaji Bulanan
  • Laporan Ringkasan Gaji Bulanan
  • Laporan/Data untuk keperluan Transfer Gaji via Bank
  • Laporan Saldo Pinjaman
  • Laporan Standar BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
  • Laporan Ringkasan Pajak Bulanan
  • Laporan Pajak 1721-I Bulanan dan 1721 I / 1721 A1 Tahunan
  • Laporan Pajak ESPT PPh 21/26 dalam format CSV dan 1721
  • Bukti Potong PPh21 untuk Uang Pensiun/Pesangon dan Objek Pajak Tidak Final
  • Dan laporan-laporan lainnya yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.

Dengan beragam layanan dan output laporan yang kami tawarkan maka kebutuhan payroll perusahaan dapat terpenuhi dengan jauh lebih baik dan perusahaan bisa lebih fokus untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan lainnya yang lebih bermanfaat.

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