Dr. Tjip Ismail, SH., MBA, MM
He graduated from the Law Faculty Universitas Diponegoro in 1970, and procured his Master Degree majoring in Business of Administration from the European University, Belgium in 1990.
He subsequently obtained his Master Degree, majoring in Management from Universitas Indonesia Esa Unggul, and in year 2003 procured his Master Degree majoring in Law from Universitas Indonesia.
Two years later, he took his Doctoral Degree (Phd) specializing in law firm Universitas Indonesia in 2005. He commenced his career becoming the Documentation and Legal Aid Subsection Directorate Head (Kasubdit) of the Taxation Directorate General in 1990.
His initial career had brought him the opportunity to procure and/or to be post in a sundry significant position within his tax officers career. In 1995 he served as the head of the Taxation Services Office in Jakarta, and further becoming the Director of the District Revenue at the Ministry of Finance.
In 2002 he served as the member of the Financial Minister Assistance for the sector of Fiscal Decentralization. In 2003 he was appointed as the Commissioner of PT. Persero Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (BUMN). In 2005 he served as the Deputy of the Fiscal Policy of the Minister of Finance. He then became the Judge of the Republic of Indonesia Taxation Court. He currently serves as the researcher head of the National Law Development Board at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Arbiter at the Indonesia Arbitration Board and fiscal expert Personnel at the District Council of the Republic of Indonesia. He has been the editor of the Law and Business Journal, Universitas Indonesia.
In addition, he also writes several books concerning Tax Law and some scientific works at the journal, magazine, news paper and other media. Since 2000 he has been transforming, developing, and promulgating taxation law knowledge and fiscal policy at the post graduate program at Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Tarumanegara and the PTIK. He joins with HKR Law Firm at the early of 2013.
He is a very well experienced, and procures his specialization in law specifically in the field of Taxation, District Retribution, Central and District Financial, State Financial, District Financial, District Autonomy, District Revenue, and Intellectual Property Right.
Warnoyo SE.,Ak., Msi., BKP., CPA
Warnoyo SE.,M.Si, Ak., BKP., CPA is member of Indonesia Tax Consultant Association (IKPI) with license certificate number 1317/PP.IKPI-B/VI/2010 and also member of Certified Public Accountant and get the license from finance minister with number KMK.No.191/KM.1/2013 date 28 March 2013 and also member of Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountant (IAPI) and get the license from Finance Minister with the same number. He also registered as capital market supporting professional (Profesi )Penunjang Pasar Modal) with number No:08/PM.22/STTD-AP/2014 f rom Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (OJK RI).
Mesradi Lumban Tobing SE., MM
Mesradi Lumban Tobing SE., MM, has worked for PT. ULTRAJAYA MILK INDUSTRI & TRADING COMPANY Tbk (Ultrajaya Group) and PT MEDCOPAPUA INDUSTRI LESTARI (MEDCO GROUP) , BUT. MARUBENI CORP-TOKYO, PT. MATLAMAT CAKERA CANGGIH for experiences in Tax 11 Years. He began his career in 2005 in West Java and continued in Jakarta as a Head of Tax Department. He completed his bachelor degree in Accountant from the Adventist University, Bandung (UNAI) and he also completed Master degree in the same University. His last position in the many National and Multinational enterprises was Prepare Tax Objection Reviewer, Tax Appeal in big Company. Mesradi was involved directly in handling tax Advisory, Tax Compliance and Transfer Pricing and reporting to Finance Director.
Hendra Putra Sihombing SE., Msi., Ak.
Hendra Putra Sihombing SE., Msi., Ak., has worked for PT Mustika Ratu Tbk. And Richard Risambessy & Partners, Public Accountant Firm, as an Auditor and also PT Permata Bunda Abadi as an Head Of Finance, PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk., PT Pan Satria Sakti, PT Best Communication Indonesia and CV Zanur Henson Dilan. He began his career in 2004 in Jakarta and The last position he was Senior Manager Finance & Accounting. He completed his bachelor degree in Accountant from the Adventist University, Bandung (UNAI) and he also completed Master degree From Sebelas Maret University, Solo and also get the certificate public accountant at the same university. He complete tax license from Universitas Indonesia. His last position in the organization was handle Audit Review, financial modeling, Contract review Tax Objection Reviewer in Large Tax Regional Office. As Tax Audit Leading in many multinational enterprises, Hendra was involved directly in handling tax dispute and prepare document. He expert for transfer pricing documentation and strong skill in Audit, Accountancy and Financial Modeling.
Jonris Hutapea SE., MM., Ak.
Jonris Hutapea SE., MM., has worked for PT UNICORN UTAMA , PT ADETEX GROUP, PT Young Chang Tech Indonesia. He began his career in 2008 in West Java and The last position he was Finance & Accounting Manager. He completed his bachelor degree in Accountant from the Medan University (North Sumatera) and he also completed Master degree From Adventist University, Bandung. His last position in the organization was handle Audit Review, financial modeling, Contract review Tax Objection Reviewer in Large Tax Regional Office. As Finance and Accounting Leading, Jonris Hutapea was involved directly in handling tax dispute. He expert for transfer pricing documentation and Tax Custom, strong skill in Audit, Accountancy and Financial Modeling. He Organized Financial Transaction, Cash Management.
David Antonius Tambun SH.
David Antonius Tambunan SH. has worked for Marthen Pongrekun and Associate (Lawyer Firm), PT MNC LAND Tbk., and also LG CORP. He began his carrier as a lawyer and continued to Legal Manager for 7 years. During that time he had held several positions such as Lawyer, Legal Corporate, Legal. He has a well knowledge in international Law, International Tax Law, Indonesia Tax Regulation, Prepare Legal Documentation, Tax Court and others. He always analyze tax case and make sure the best solution by the tax regulation.
Jaduman Jesaya
Prior to joining with the firm as partner, Jaduman Jesaya got bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from North Sumatera University, Electrical Engineering of Politecnics, Government, Medan (group of Swiss’ Politecnics). Jaduman Yesaya has worked for many National and Multinational Company for 22 years, such us PT. Indonesia Renewable Resources (ENERGY), PAM (Parna Agromas) /Crude Palm Oil (CPO) : Plantation, MPP (Megaprima Persada) / Mining Coal : Mineral Sources, BGE (Batubara Global Energy) / Mining Coal : Mineral Sources, GAM (Ganda Alam Makmur) /Mining Coal : Mineral Sources, BNE (Binsar Natorang Energy) /Electrical Power Sources : Power Plant, Neville Clarke Consulting (NC), Sentra Integrasi Sinergi Consulting (SIS), Health Environment Safety Quality Consulting (HESQ), Productivity & Quality Improvement Consulting (PQI), PT. Dae In Tech Indonesia (AUTOMOTIVE & ELECTRONIC), PT. Adyawinsa Stamping Industries (AUTOMOTIVE), PT. Nitto Materials Indonesia (AUTOMOTIVE & ELECTRONIC), PT. Taisho Electric Indonesia (ELECTRONIC), PT. Sanyo Compressor Indonesia (MECHANIC) PT. Sanyo Compressor Indonesia (MECHANIC), PT. Yasonta Samsung/YASSAM Textiles, During his employment he held several key positions and lastly he served as Human Development & Management System (HSE) Training Corporate Manager. He has specialization in General Occupational Safety & Health Expert of Indonesia. SKP Certificate (Decree of Appointment of Indonesian Government /Kemenaker), Auditor, Trainer, Consultant, Coaching of HESQ (Health Environment Safety Quality) Management System and Innovation Project System, Six Sigma Green Belt & Lean Six Sigma, Trainer & Coaching Of Human Development, Statistic (Minitab), Safety, 5S.
Jaduman was made the training for several company such us, PT. Toyo Seal-Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung à Re-training Awareness, Internal Audit & Core Tools ISO/TS 16949 for fulfill annual audit finding, PT. Akzo Nobel-Kawasan Industri Polugadung à Re-training Awareness , Internal Audit IMS (Integrate Management System) (ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001) for fulfill annual audit findingPT. Akzo Nobel-Kawasan Industri Polugadung à Re-training Awareness , Internal Audit IMS (Integrate Management System) (ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001) for fulfill annual audit finding, PT. Roki-Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung à Training Internal Audit & Core Tools ISO TS/16949 for certification, PT. Delloyd-Kawasan Industri Delta Silikon Cikarang àCoaching & Consulting ISO/TS 16949 & ISO 14001 for certification, PT. UEAD-Kawasan KIM Karawang à Coaching & Consulting ISO/TS 16949 for certification, PT. Nichirin-Kawasan KIM Karawang à Coaching & Consulting ISO 14001 for certification, PT. Citra Plastik Makmur-Kawasan Industri Jababeka Cikarang à Re-training Awareness & Internal Audit ISO 9001, PT. Daisol Indonesia-Kawasan Berikat Nusantara Cakung àRe-training Core Tools & Internal Audit ISO/TS 16949 for fulfill annual audit finding, PT. Juken-Kawasan EJIP Cikarang à Training Awareness & Core Tools ISO/TS 16949 for certification.